recipe: easy, zero waste granola

I’ve been seeing some delicious recipes for granola lately and decided to make one of my own using ingredients I have in my kitchen. Enjoy this granola with fruit, homemade sunflower seed milk, and/or on top of a smoothie bowl!

2 cups rolled oats
1 ½ cups sunflower seeds
½ cup of sliced almonds
1/3 cup whole flax seeds
1/4 cup candied ginger
3 tbsp oil (I used olive, but feel free to use whatever you have on hand)
3 tbsp agave 

1. Set oven to 275 degrees F. Then mix all ingredients (except for the candied ginger) in a bowl until fully coated. 
2. Pour granola onto a baking tray and spread it out thin - I had to use two pans for this!
3. Bake for about 30-35 minutes, then let fully cool.
4. Break up granola into small pieces, then add chopped candied ginger and mix thoroughly. Store in a jar for up to 10 days.

Here’s what the granola looks like! I didn’t want my oats to get too toasted, so they look fairly light. Feel free to toss in any other add-ins you’d like, like coconut chips, cacao nibs, or . If adding dried fruit, mix it in after the granola is done baking so it won’t get too chewy!


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